NPC :: fire goblin wizard

fire goblin wizard

Full name fire goblin wizard
Level 26
Race Goblin
Class Wizard
Main faction Goblins of Fire Peak
Health points 936
Damage 1 to 56
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Default Wizard List

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Heart of Fire (Gems) - 20% (20% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Amber (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    2. Pearl (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    3. Jade Earring (Jewelry) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    4. Rune of Attraction (Combinable) - 1.115% (1.115% Global)
    5. Ice of Velious (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    6. Pearl Shard (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    7. Words of Transcendence (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    8. Words of Possession (Combinable) - 1.115% (1.115% Global)
    9. Words of Discernment (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    10. Words of Recluse (Combinable) - 0.743% (0.743% Global)
    11. Words of Detachment (Combinable) - 0.743% (0.743% Global)
    12. Fresh Fish (Food) - 1.487% (1.487% Global)
    13. Spider Silk (Combinable) - 1.859% (1.859% Global)
    14. Bat Fur (Combinable) - 1.487% (1.487% Global)
    15. Snake Scales (Combinable) - 1.487% (1.487% Global)
    16. Rat Ears (Combinable) - 1.487% (1.487% Global)
    17. Bone Chips (Combinable) - 1.859% (1.859% Global)
    18. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    19. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    20. Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8 (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    21. Ivory (Combinable) - 0.372% (0.372% Global)
    22. Corrupted Emerald Amulet (Augmentation) - 0% (0% Global)
    23. Warforged Emerald Hoop (Jewelry) - 1.115% (1.115% Global)
    24. Flamewrought Emerald Band (Jewelry) - 0.743% (0.743% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fine Steel Dagger (Piercing) - 5.576% (5.576% Global)
    2. Fine Steel Spear (Piercing) - 2.23% (2.23% Global)
    3. Fine Steel Rapier (Piercing) - 8.55% (8.55% Global)
    4. Fiery Ore (Gems) - 24.164% (24.164% Global)
    5. Flame Agate (Combinable) - 4.089% (4.089% Global)
    6. Bat Wing (Combinable) - 3.346% (3.346% Global)
    7. Rat Whiskers (Combinable) - 2.974% (2.974% Global)
    8. Zombie Skin (Combinable) - 2.23% (2.23% Global)
    9. Fish Scales (Combinable) - 4.461% (4.461% Global)
    10. Soot Hemlock (Combinable) - 14.87% (14.87% Global)
    11. Asmag Weed (Combinable) - 15.242% (15.242% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Pouch of Red Dust (Combinable) - 7.063% (7.063% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Solusek's Eye

  • soldunga_13 : -809 / -448 / 38
    Spawns every 18 min
  • soldunga_26 : -973 / -536 / 39
    Spawns every 18 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with